All pages in this section
Camping gas bottles and canisters
Find out how to recycle camping gas bottles and canisters.
Candle jars
Find out how to recycle candle jars after use.
Cans and foil (metal)
Find out how to recycle cans and foil.
Car parts
Find out how to reuse or dispose of car parts.
Car seats (for children)
Find out how to recycle and dispose of car seats for children.
Find out how to reuse, recycle and compost cardboard.
Cardboard egg boxes, toilet and kitchen roll tubes
Find out how to reuse and recycle cardboard egg boxes, and toilet and kitchen roll tubes.
Cards (greeting cards, Christmas cards)
Find out how to reuse, recycle and dispose of cards.
Find out how to reuse, recycle and dispose of carpets.
Cartons (Tetra Pak, drink cartons)
Find out how to reduce, reuse, recycle and dispose of cartons.
Cassettes (tapes, videos)
Find out how to reuse, recycle and dispose of cassettes and video tapes.
Cat and dog waste (cat litter, dog poo, non-vegetarian pet waste)
Find out how to dispose of pet waste.
Chocolate/sweet tins
Find out how to reduce, reuse, recycle and dispose of chocolate/sweet tins.
Chopping boards (plastic)
Find out how to reduce, reuse, recycle and dispose of plastic chopping boards.
Chopping boards (wood)
Find out how to reduce, reuse, recycle and dispose of wooden chopping boards.
Christmas crackers
Find out how to reduce, reuse, recycle and dispose of christmas crackers.
Christmas decorations
Find out how to reuse and dispose of christmas decorations.
Christmas lights
Find out how to reduce, reuse, recycle and dispose of Christmas lights.
Christmas trees
Find out how to recycle christmas trees.
Christmas wreaths
Find out how to compost christmas wreaths.
Cleaning products (washing and detergent bottles)
Find out how to reduce and recycle cleaning products.
Clinical waste (badages, dressings, plasters)
Find out how to dispose of clinical waste.
Find out how to reduce, reuse, recycle and dispose of clothes.
Coat hangers
Find out how to reduce, reuse and recycle coat hangers.
Coffee cups
Find out how to reduce, recycle, home compost and dispose of coffee cups.
Coffee grounds
Find out how to compost and dispose of coffee grounds.
Coffee pods
Find out how to recycle and dispose of coffee pods.
Colanders (metal)
Find out how to reduce, reuse, recycle and dispose of metal colanders.
Colanders (plastic)
Find out how to reduce, reuse, recycle and dispose of plastic colanders.
Compostable packaging
Find out how to dispose of compostable packaging.
Cooking oil
Find out how to recycle cooking oil.
Corn starch packing peanuts
Find out how to reduce and home compost corn starch packing peanuts.
COVID tests - home testing kits
Find out how to dispose of COVID home testing kits.
CO2 cartridges
Find out how to recycle CO2 cartridges
Crisp packets
Find out how to recycle and dispose of crisp packets.
Crockery (plates, mugs, bowls, plant pots)
Find out how to reduce, reuse and recycle crockery.
Cups (glass)
Find out how to reduce, reuse, recycle and dispose of glass cups.
Cups (plastic)
Find out how to reduce, reuse, recycle and dispose of plastic cups.
Cutlery (metal)
Find out how to reduce, reuse, recycle and dispose of metal cutlery.
Cutlery (plastic)
Find out how to reduce, reuse, recycle and dispose of plastic cutlery.