Bulky waste includes items such as discarded furniture, large appliances and plumbing fixtures.
Collection service
Your local waste collection authority offers a chargeable collection service for large items. Charges vary according to where you live.
Choose your local area for prices and more information about arranging a collection:

Re-use and recycle your bulky items
Donate to charity
Local charity shops and community organisations can re-use good quality furniture and household goods. This helps both local people and the environment.
Some of these organisations may be able to collect from your home if the items have a resale value, like the British Heart Foundation across West Suffolk. Items such as sofas, chairs and beds must carry fire safety labels.
A trial scheme is now underway in the north of East Suffolk which enables collections of bulky items and forwards those in good condition for resale at the Benjamin Foundation's furniture and electricals store (Phoenix Enterprise Park, Lowestoft). The Benjamin Foundation is one of the largest charities in East Anglia, working to tackle youth homelessness in the region.
For more information, find about more about this on our re-use page.
Offer your item on a re-use website
If your items are still in good condition or too good to throw away, you can advertise on a re-use website like Freegle, Freecycle, Gumtree and Facebook Market place. Some sites such as Freegle or Freecycle only allow free listings and are set-up as local networks to encourage communities to 'bond through bargains!'
Take your goods to a recycling centre
You can take most bulky items to one of our recycling centres where you can donate for re-use.
Upholstered sofas, chairs and beds must carry fire safety labels to donate for re-use. Upholstered items without safety labels cannot be re-used or recycled and should be placed in the appropriate container.