Reduce & reuse

Find out how to reduce and re-use your waste.
How to reduce, reuse and recycle for a more sustainable Christmas and it could save you money too!
Christmas tree
Food waste
Find out how to reduce your food waste with our Food Savvy campaign.
Person scraping food into a bin.
Plastic waste
Find out about the 10 plastic swaps to make at home, plus information on how to recycle different types of plastic.
Bird feeder made from a plastic bottle.
Refill shop locator
Find a list of shops and businesses in Suffolk which offer loose products such as laundry detergents and dried goods so you can refill your own container.
Selection of dried goods in jars and containers in a refill shop.
Repair cafes and groups
Find information about repairing plus details on community run repair cafes and groups in Suffolk.
Two people rebuilding a metal toaster
Find out how to reduce your fashion footprint and care for your clothes for longer! Plus information on reuse and recycling.
Hands pushing a bundle of clothes into a clothes bank
Electrical waste
Find out how to reduce, repair and re-use electronics.
Range of electricals including mobile phones, cameras, laptops etc.
Cloth nappies
Find out about the financial and environmental benefits of cloth nappies and advice on how to get started.
Cloth nappies hanging on a line.
Re-use your waste
Find out about different ways you can re-use to keep things in circulation for longer!
The inside of a charity shop