Silicone plastic items (such as cupcake cases or cooking utensils) in good condition can be given to a local charity shop or passed onto family, friends or colleagues.
Polystyrene, plastic netting, food packets, cellophane, toothpaste tubes, silicone plastic, disposable razors items and hose pipes are made from a plastic that cannot currently be recycled in Suffolk.
Put non-recyclable plastics:
- in your household rubbish bin
- in the non-recyclable container at any Suffolk Recycling Centre.
Many toothpaste tube manufacturers are using the recycling logo as they start to make tubes using a single type of plastic. However, we aren't yet able to collect them for recycling in Suffolk, because some tubes still include a mixture of plastic and aluminium which could get mixed up in the process. The company who sort recycling for Suffolk is continually looking at the recycling market to see if it will be possible to recycle them in the future.