Waste saving activities

Find out about some waste saving activities you can try in your school or classroom.

Some of the activities suggested below could be supported by setting up a school Waste and Recycling Group, a dedicated noticeboard to inform and promote what’s happening as well as building in regular assemblies about reducing, reusing and recycling!

Reducing waste at school

  • Set school printers and photocopiers to print double sided
  • Keep a scrap paper drawer in your classroom
  • Send school correspondence by email where possible to avoid unnecessary printing
  • Introduce regular ‘waste free’ lunch days
  • Complete a waste audit to find out how much waste your school makes and see if you can cut down. Don’t forget to involve the school kitchen, caretakers and cleaners
  • Write a class article for the school newsletter outlining what you are doing to reduce waste and promote green behaviours

Re-using more

  • Set up systems to collect left over arts/craft/display materials for re-use
  • Could your school collect other materials for your parents and local community? e.g. batteries or other charity/Terracycle schemes
  • Hold a swap/sale for old uniform unwanted clothes, shoes, toys etc.
  • Replace disposable drinks bottles/cutlery and cups with re-usable alternatives
  • Advertise unwanted furniture to families or online sites such as Facebook Marketplace, Gumtree, Freecycle, Freegle or OLIO
  • Give to and buy items for re-use at charity shops or your local Recycling Centre

Recycling more

  • Make sure all school bins are clearly labelled for recycling and non-recyclable - using images might help!
  • Review school purchasing policy to try and include as many recycled products as possible e.g. paper and toilet rolls
  • Check what you can recycle at school with your local authority or refuse contractor
  • Recruit recycling monitors for each class
  • Incorporate recycling into all school events so it becomes part of your school ethos!
