
To recycle glass, please take it to your nearest glass bank.

It's better in the bank!

Glass bottles and jars are 100% recyclable and can be recycled into new bottles and jars over and over and over again, but only if they are taken to a glass bank and not placed in your household recycling bin!

We don’t accept glass in Suffolk’s household recycling bins and any glass mistakenly put into your recycling bin at home won’t be recycled.

Despite this, up to 5,000 tonnes of glass bottles and jars are placed into Suffolk’s household recycling bins every year. This glass has to be removed at our Materials Recycling Facility, where Suffolk’s household recycling is taken for sorting and sent for disposal. This is a difficult process and costs taxpayers hundreds of thousands of pounds every year.

In addition, glass can spoil other recyclable materials, especially paper and card, which means that they may need to be sent for disposal too.

However, there is an easy solution!

By supporting our #GlassItsBetterInTheBank campaign and taking your glass bottles and jars to your local glass bank you will:

  • Ensure your glass gets recycled
  • Improve the quality of Suffolk’s recycling
  • Help fight climate change by protecting valuable natural resources
  • Save taxpayers money

Have a look at our 'Glass - It's Better in the Bank' social media channels for videos & more information about glass recycling in Suffolk:


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Competition Time!

The Suffolk Waste Partnership is running a new ‘Glass: Its Better in the Bank’ competition from 28th February to the 13th April 2025.

All you need to do to enter is take our three-question quiz for your chance to win one of seven luxury hampers of Suffolk produce. The quiz, along with competition terms and conditions, can be found here.

Most importantly, don’t forget to recycle all our empty glass bottles and jars to your local bottle bank. You can find your nearest bottle bank by using our bank locator linked from this page.

Where should I recycle glass?

You can recycle glass at any of the 1000+ glass banks in Suffolk. Most people in Suffolk already recycle about 70% of all their bottles and jars this way. Just empty, rinse and pop them in the bank. You can even put metal lids and tops back on your bottles and jars and they will also get recycled. With your help we can give even more glass a new lease of life!

You can find your nearest glass bank using the bank locator or use the glass banks at any of our recycling centres.

Which types of glass can I put in a glass bank?

You can place any glass bottles and jars in a glass bank.

Please don’t put window glass, light bulbs, reading glasses, glass cooking dishes in a glass bank. You can recycle these items at any Suffolk recycling centre.